Data Integration Services

Establish a Single Source of Truth With Data Integration

2.5 quintillion. That’s how much data is being created every day! Imagine how much valuable information we can gather from this data. Yet, that’s not the case. Enterprises today generate data from a lot of different sources. These sources generally have poor integration. So, companies struggle to extract, transfer and load the data in a cohesive environment. Why? Because they fail to find any standardized way of ingesting the data from disparate sources.

At Impressico, we offer data integration services– both in the traditional way (using tools like Talend) and in the modern way (using tools like Azure Data Factory). With our data integration service offerings, expect a seamless way of data ETL from disparate data sources using standardized tools and frameworks. Once done, your organization and all the stakeholders will be able to get data from a single source of truth.

Data Is The Eyes and Ears of an Organization. Leverage It Efficiently.

The Importance of Data Integration

Today, data driven decisions are at the forefront of business strategies. Without clean, dependable and wholesome data, companies are blind. Data can answer the why, what, how and when of businesses much more quickly and efficiently. We can create interactive dashboards with integrated data that can give us both the big picture and granularities. A company that fails to use data for business intelligence is doomed to fail. However, using business data for visualisation and analytics requires that all the data that various departments of a company generate should be available in a single cohesive environment with no silos. That’s what we at Impressico do.

Beware of Dark Data!

55% of the data that an organization generates is never utilized by it. It remains in the dark because the organization fails to integrate it into their analytics platform or data warehouse. The main culprit, here, is again the siloed way of ingesting data. Many organizations get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data received from various sources. They don’t have the necessary resources to integrate and utilize this data. At Impressico, we help you tame the unruly data. From ETL and integration tools like AWS Glue and Azure Data Warehouse to code based integration planning- we can help you integrate data in ways that you are comfortable with.

Simple-First Approach

Beware of Jargons

When you research data integration, you’ll be bombarded with too much jargon. Don’t get overwhelmed by this jargon. At Impressico, we follow a simple-first approach. Many times, adopting a simple ERP software might solve all your data integration problems. So, partner with us and get the best solution without burning a hole in your pocket.

Cloud Focused

Data Integration started way back in the 80s. Back then, cloud computing was not in the vicinity. So applying the data integration methods of the 80s today won’t serve your purpose. At Impressico, our cloud architects are aware of the architecture of the modern age. We can help you with leading edge data integration service offerings that are aligned with the overall purpose of agile and DevOps.

Automated Data Integration

Data Integration must happen automatically so that companies can use real time data and make data driven decisions faster. Impressico will help you automate data integration using tools like AWS Glue. Sometimes, you might need custom code to orchestrate this automation correctly. We are here for that as well.

Need Data Integration Services Services