Software Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance and Testing Services

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) refers to the set of activities and techniques used to ensure that software products meet the desired level of quality. It is a process-oriented approach that focuses on preventing defects, rather than detecting them after they have occurred. The goal of software quality assurance services is to improve the overall quality of software products by identifying and addressing defects and other issues throughout the software development lifecycle.

Our dedicated quality assurance testing teams check your application on various parameters like security, functionality, applicability, and scalability to ensure that it meets the standard guidelines and help you achieve desired objectives with reduced costs and faster time-to-market. At every stage in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), we focus on quality engineering, customized approaches, agile practices, and effective solutions to stand tall on your customer’s expectations.

Software Quality Assurance

Here are some of the key reasons why quality assurance testing is critical for any software development project:

Reducing Defects and Errors

Reducing defects and errors

QA software testing services help to identify defects and errors early in the development process, which reduces the cost and effort required to fix them. This can save time and money in the long run.

Improving customer satisfaction

Improving customer satisfaction

High-quality software products lead to happier customers who are more likely to recommend the product to others.

Increasing reliability

Increasing reliability

Software products that undergo SQA by software quality assurance company are more reliable and less likely to crash or experience other issues that could damage the reputation of the product or the QA services company.

Enhancing security

Enhancing security

Software testing services help to identify and fix security vulnerabilities, which helps to prevent data breaches and other security incidents that could harm the company or its customers.

Ensuring compliance

Ensuring compliance

Some industries have strict regulatory requirements that software products must meet. Software testing and quality assurance helps to ensure that software products comply with these requirements.

Improving efficiency

Improving efficiency

SQA can help to identify areas of the development process that can be improved, such as through automation or process optimization. This can lead to faster and more efficient development cycles.

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) services

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) services are a set of activities that aim to ensure the quality and reliability of software products. Here are some of the common SQA services:

Test planning and management

Test planning and management

This involves creating a test plan that outlines the testing strategy, test scenarios, and test cases for the software product. It also involves managing the testing process and reporting on the results.

Test automation

Test automation

This involves creating automated test scripts to run tests on the software product, which can save time and increase test coverage.

Functional testing

Functional testing

This involves testing the software product to ensure that it meets the functional requirements specified in the software requirements specification.

Performance testing

Performance testing

This involves testing the software product to ensure that it performs well under various loads and stress conditions.

Usability testing

Usability testing

This involves creating automated test scripts to run tests on the software product, which can save time and increase test coverage.

Code reviews

Code & documentation review:

This involves reviewing the documentation and code associated with the software product to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

Testing Services We Offer

manual testing

Manual Testing

As the name suggests, Manual testing is the stringent method of testing software, mobile applications and websites without using any automated tools to find out the bugs before delivering it in the market.

automation testing

Automation Testing

At Impressico our engineers are backed by more than a year of experience in automated testing which enables them to cope with the necessary speed to optimize development workflows, reduce time and improve end-product quality.

mobile app testing.

Mobile Application Testing

Impressico is a quality assurance software testing company that helps to get mobile application testing services for various platforms. As a top testing services company, we impart web and mobile solutions that deliver unparalleled user experience.

Software Testing Methodology

Software testing methodology is a structured approach to testing software applications to ensure that they meet their intended requirements, are of high quality, and function as expected. Some common software testing methodologies are:



This is a linear and sequential approach for testing. Testing is done after the development phase is completed.



This is an iterative and incremental testing approach. Testing is done continuously throughout the development process.

The agile testing methodology also involves various testing techniques such as test-driven development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD)



DevOps is a methodology that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to achieve continuous delivery and improvement. Testing is integrated throughout the entire software development and delivery process.

exploratory analysis


This is an approach where testers explore the software and perform testing simultaneously, without a pre-defined test plan. The goal is to find defects and usability issues that might not have been discovered with a formal test plan.



This is a methodology used to test whether software meets its intended requirements and specifications. It involves testing the software with real data to ensure that it works as expected.

Black Box


This is a testing methodology where the tester has no knowledge of the internal workings of the software application. The tester only interacts with the application through its interface.

white box


This is a testing methodology where the tester has knowledge of the internal workings of the software application. The tester tests the application by examining its source code and architecture.

Software Testing Tools

These are just a few examples of the many software testing tools. The choice of tool depends on the specific needs of the project, the development team, and the stakeholders involved.



An open-source automation testing tool that is used for web application testing.



An open-source load testing tool that is used for testing the performance of web applications.



An open-source automation testing tool that is used for mobile application testing.



A tool used for testing APIs and ensuring their functionality.

SoapUI Software For PC


A tool used for testing SOAP and REST web services.

mobile app testing.

Test Complete

A commercial automation testing tool that is used for web, desktop, and mobile application testing.



A project management tool that helps teams to track and manage issues and bugs.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio

A development environment that is used for building software applications and includes testing tools like the Visual Studio Test Explorer.



A test management tool that is used for test case management, test runs, and test reports.


To help you make the most-informed decision, here are common questions customers ask us.

Planning: In this step, the SQA team develops a plan for how the quality of the software will be ensured. The plan typically includes details such as the quality standards to be met, the resources required, the testing methodologies to be used, and the timelines for completion.

Requirements Analysis: In this step, the SQA team analyzes the software requirements to ensure that they are clear, complete, and consistent. The team checks that the requirements can be tested and that the testing process is documented.

Design Review: In this step, the SQA team reviews the software design to ensure that it meets the requirements, is technically sound, and is testable. The team checks that the design is documented and that it includes all necessary details.

Implementation Review: In this step, the SQA team reviews the software implementation to ensure that it meets the design specifications, is consistent with the requirements, and is error-free. The team checks that coding standards are followed, documentation is complete, and version control is in place.

Testing: In this step, the SQA team conducts various testing activities to ensure that the software is functioning as expected, meets the requirements, and is free of defects. Testing activities may include functional testing, regression testing, performance testing, and security testing.

Release Management: In this step, the SQA team ensures that the software is released in a controlled and systematic manner. The team ensures that the release process is documented, that the release meets quality standards, and that any defects found during testing are addressed.

Continuous Improvement: In this step, the SQA team reviews the entire SQA process to identify areas for improvement. The team evaluates the effectiveness of the quality assurance process and suggests changes to improve the quality of future software releases.

Overall, the SQA process is designed to ensure that software products meet specified quality standards and that defects are detected and addressed early in the development process. By following a systematic SQA process, companies can ensure that their software products are of high quality, meet customer requirements, and are delivered on time and within budget.

The duration of the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) process can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the software, the quality standards to be met, and the testing methodologies used. It can range from a few weeks to several months or even years.

The SQA process typically starts at the beginning of the software development lifecycle and continues throughout the development process until the software is released to customers. The SQA process is iterative and ongoing, and the duration depends on the number of iterations required to meet the quality standards.

The testing phase is a critical component of the SQA process and can take a significant amount of time. The duration of the testing phase depends on the type and number of tests to be conducted, the complexity of the software, and the resources available.

In general, the SQA process is an ongoing and continuous process that involves planning, monitoring, and evaluating the quality of the software at every stage of the software development lifecycle. The duration of the SQA process depends on the specific project requirements, the size and complexity of the software, and the testing methodologies used.

Yes, we can perform Software Quality Assurance (SQA) on custom software applications. In fact, performing SQA on custom software applications is essential to ensure that the software meets the customer's requirements and quality standards.

We follow the SQA process to identify and address defects early in the development process, which can save time and reduce costs. The SQA process involves analyzing the software requirements, reviewing the design and implementation, conducting various types of testing, and releasing the software in a controlled and systematic manner.

To perform SQA on custom software applications, we use various testing methodologies such as functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and usability testing. We also use automated testing tools to reduce the time and effort required for manual testing.

We implement best practices and quality standards as we are certified CMMI ML-3 to ensure that the SQA process is followed consistently and that the software meets the required quality standards.

Overall, we perform SQA on custom software applications to ensure that the software meets the customer's requirements, is of high quality, and is delivered on time and within budget.

Software security is critical during testing to protect the application from potential security threats and vulnerabilities. By ensuring that software security is thoroughly tested during the testing phase, companies can identify and address potential security issues before the software is deployed to a production environment.

Here are some reasons why software security is important during testing:

  • To identify vulnerabilities:Software security testing helps to identify potential security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. This can include testing for things like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other types of attacks.
  • To prevent data breaches:Software security testing can help to prevent data breaches by identifying weaknesses in the security controls that protect sensitive data. This can include testing for encryption, access controls, and data handling.
  • To ensure compliance:Many industries have regulations and standards that require software applications to be secure. By testing for security during the testing phase, companies can ensure that they are compliant with these regulations and standards.
  • To protect company reputation:A data breach or security incident can damage a company's reputation and erode customer trust. By ensuring software security during testing, companies can reduce the risk of such incidents and protect their reputation.

To reduce costs: Fixing security issues after software is deployed can be expensive and time-consuming. By identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities during testing, companies can reduce the costs associated with fixing security issues later on.

Yes, we provide ongoing support after SQA is complete to ensure that the software product continues to meet the required quality standards and is free from defects and vulnerabilities.

Ongoing support after SQA is complete can include activities such as:

Maintenance and Upgrades: The SQA team provides ongoing maintenance and upgrades to the software product to fix any defects or vulnerabilities that may arise after release. This can involve addressing customer feedback and implementing new features or functionality.

Performance Monitoring: The SQA team monitors the performance of the software product after release and identify any performance issues that may arise. This can involve using tools and techniques to measure system performance and identify bottlenecks or other issues.

User Support: The SQA team provides ongoing user support after release to help users with any issues or questions that they may have. This can involve providing user manuals, tutorials, and online support forums.

Bug Fixes: The SQA team continues to fix any bugs or defects that may be identified after release. This can involve implementing hotfixes or patches to address specific issues that arise.

Overall, ongoing support after SQA is complete can help ensure that the software product remains high quality and meets customer requirements over time.

Need Software Quality Assurance Services

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